Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Grrrrrrrr!  Hear that?  

....That`s the sound your tummy makes between meals when it`s hungry!  SNACK TIME!!!

It seems that the word "snack" has taken on a negative connotation over the years.  This is partially due to the types of foods that we refer to as "snack foods", aka junk food (cokes, candy, chips).  However, it`s also because of the growing obesity epidemic here in America.  Many people have discouraged themselves from snacking between meals because we are being told to "eat less" and "control our portions".  Both of these phrases are absolutely correct and true when trying to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, but it doesn`t mean a healthy snack should be omitted from your daily intake.  Snacking should also be done for the right reason...hunger.  Sometimes, we snack because we are bored...which leads to overeating and consuming empty calories that don`t really benefit us at all.

Snacks don`t have to be junk foods.  In fact, they shouldn`t be!  If you experience hunger pangs or a decrease in energy between a meal, consuming a well-balanced snack is justified.  What do I mean by well-balanced?  Protein + carbs...the protein keeps you feeling full/satisfied and the carbs raise your blood sugar to re-energize you.  Here are some protein/carb snack combos to try that will sustain your belly til the next meal...

*6 oz non-fat yogurt with 1 Tbsp granola (ex. Special K`s low fat granola)
*1 Tbsp peanut butter with 1/2 a banana or small apple
*5 whole grain crackers and 1 slice 2% cheese
*1 cup skim milk and 1 graham cracker sheet
*1 granola bar (Make sure it has some protein...not just full of sugar! ex. Nature Valley or Kashi)
*1 oz almonds and 17 grapes (17 is a serving, believe it or not!)
*1 serving of a high fiber/high protein cereal (ex. Kashi Go Lean)
*1 small whole wheat tortilla with 1 slice melted 2% cheese and salsa (A quesadilla!)

*Source: My personal snack repertoire =)

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